05 October 2011

I can never agree

 With abortion.

Unless the foetus is dead inside or something.
Or else, all the usual excuses are crap to me.

“I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.” – Mother Teresa

Too poor to have the child.
It was unplanned.
Too young.
Will hinder the future plans.
Career first.
Not ready.
Not married.
etc, etc, etc.

Don't do it in the first place then.

Don't be silly and think you have the right to indulge in whatever.
Nothing comes without a consequence.

“And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” – Mother Teresa

How does a girl go through all this and still be able to live her life freely?

Don't come & tell me dumb excuses like "It's not properly formed yet!". 
It's growing everyday. It's a living life!
How can you inflict such pain on your child?
Where do you expect the soul of the child to go?
You think your child won't be crying inside?

“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish” – Mother Teresa
A couple of years later, you make it better in life, toting bags that cost at least 2 grand
and driving that swanky BMW.
Even telling me that driving an Audi/Lexus will be considered a downgrade.
Yet never once I hear you say you regret that decision.

I don't know what to think of you.

No religion in the world approve of abortion.
In the Buddhist teachings, killing is the most serious sin one can commit. 
It's a human life that we are talking about.
For all you know, the child might have amazing potential when he/she grows up.
He might be a life-saving doctor.
She might be a great philanthropist.
Even if it doesn't happen, the child's right to live is never to be conferred by anyone.

In the process of running your own life, don't go around ruining others.

You ask me why he keeps putting off marriage.
Gal, your man just asks you to kill his own child

What can you be to him?
You're not even blood related.
How can he be worth your love?

You've already been blinded once. Don't do it a second time.

For goodness sake, please wake up, honey.

“Abortion kills 2 persons. The unborn and the conscience of the mother.” – Mother Teresa




欣雨 Xinyu

~ 蓮生活佛


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