25 October 2011

From 31000 feet

Grabbed this pic from the Husband's Iphone.
He took this beautiful shot of the sunset on his flight from Beijing to Singapore last Friday.

It looks like sunrise, doesn't it?

One of those times when I miss flying.
Not the job itself.
The care-free travelling part without spending a bomb.

I can't quite decide if my blog page text looks better in Arial or Georgia either.
Been fiddling with them for days.

A week and a half ago, a reader was asking me on Formspring about the pros and cons of being an air crew.
I promised to blog about it last week and I forgot.
Will do so after Wed's launch is up k!

Happy Deepavali to my readers who are celebrating!
To the rest of you, happy mid-week holiday!
I'll be working to keep you girls happy shopping on that day! =D

欣雨 Xinyu


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