09 May 2011

I oppose

I always wonder why opposition parties are known as, well, opposition parties.

Because their core purpose is to oppose to the government, regardless of whatever?
Will there be anything that both parties can agree on? Or will it just drag into long & deary decision-making processes, slowing progress down?

And why the assumption that they will for sure speak up for Singaporeans.

What if they don't? What if their tactics are not better than PAP?

And what if one day they become the governing party? Then PAP will be known as opposition?
Will the votes then sway towards PAP because people wants 'opposition'?
For speaking up against the government, you know, be there to oppose.
 If PAP becomes the opposition, what's the new mandate going to be? Maybe like what the opposition always say, "We are here to speak up for the people."
Somehow, it just sounds ironic to me. 政治真的是人間的一場遊戲。
欣雨 Xinyu


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