22 March 2012

Back to work!

9:37am  Put up a last-minute launch on TFL, with mailers sent!

Last minute because I had seriously toyed with the idea of taking a break, before whizzing away for the weekend to Jakarta. Last post was a Sales launch 2 weeks ago. Orders are still streaming in everyday and I really thought my back deserve a break.

But...the Husband will be back from his 10-day trip and hence, see the humongous amount of stock (3 launches worth of bags!) stacked at home, with no sign of movement. That means a lot of explanation why he will not have the space to kick his toy football (the size of my palm) around. Don't think I have the energy to handle his disappointment with my aching arms in tow.

And customers have been asking when the next launch will be. 3 weeks of no new launch sounds cruel to me too.

Plus, I have so so so so so so so MANY things I wanna buy at the upcoming 法会 (Buddhist prayer ceremony, also known as puja in Sanskrit) in Jakarta and 为祖先报名超度! The last time I saw my Grandmaster in real life was in 2008, when he came to Singapore Expo and hosted a 60,000 turnout 法会. Shin Min Daily did an interview with Grandmaster and I kept the newspaper cutting in a file. I was a volunteer, together with my in-laws, the Husband, my nieces and a couple of friends. I still have that orange polo uniform till now! Gonna keep it even if it disintegrates into shreds!

Had wanted a longer break, because I would love to be in a less tired mode when attending this puja. You know, at least look healthy, radiant & bright-eyed, not the dark eye bags, bloated face and half-awake mode. Have not been as diligent in my cultivation homework as I should be. And I don't like it.

I went for a haircut at Salon Vim yesterday and happiness that I finally got my haircut from John! His schedule was packed like sardines pre-CNY.

And our conversation went something like this:

John: How's work?
Me: Busy, extremely busy.
(I could have repeated that sentence non-stop. So busy until don't know how to say.)
John: That's a good thing!

Have you ever asked yourself why you are so busy? What are you busy for?

I was and am busy for my passion. But spirituality makes up a huge part of me. It keeps me grounded and at peace with myself (alright, I'm still working on that but hey, at least I have a direction to work towards to!). So many, so many times the flame in me could have been blown out, but the Dharma gave me the strength to hang on. Okay, okay, I admit, Coca Cola too.

I feel very blessed that I have family and friends who share the same religion as me. There are about 30 of us (family and friends) heading to Jakarta. Can't wait to see my Grandmaster! I mean, even though it will be from very very very far....but I'm contented!

Times like this, I'm really very grateful that I'm doing TFL and not flying. Flying schedules are so out of our control! People tell me they envy my flexible working hours now, but they don't know that the flexibility also mean 没天没夜地做, and whatever time I take out now means I make it up later when I'm back. Work isn't gonna diminish when I'm overseas. But yes, I still love the flexibility because I can go puja!

And I'm also thankful that I have one passion to feed me so that I have the means to go for my another passion! So yes, like what John said, it's a good thing to be busy! #thinkpositive

Erm, don't think I'm very coherent in this post after having only slept 5 hours in 2 days. But I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT JAKARTA! I EVEN BOUGHT NEW CLOTHES!!! =DDD #asifIneedanexcuseforthat

I hope to buy nice kueh lapis too!

And I think I know why Indonesian tai-tais have such nicely coiffed hair! Hair salons at malls offer very affordable wash & blow + head massage services! Like less than S$20 last time when I was there!

欣雨 Xinyu


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