05 November 2010



  was never a fan of Jay Chou. But there was this girlfriend of mine who had been his die-hard fan since uni days. She had this very cool  demeanour, but mention Jay Chou, you would never  believe how she will morph into this little starstruck girl, swooning and coddling about him. It was very hard for me to fathom how she found him to be of marriageable material.

Well, it was until my TFL days (because I played YouTube videos in the background, while replying emails), then I began to see the talent in this musician. A bit slow, I know. Even my teenage nieces were obsessed with him. Till now, I have yet to see any other singer who have sang on such myriad topics and hey, Jay Chou composed most his own songs.

How he composed a melody on the spot based on 2-3 random keys:

I like the 3rd melody most! It reminds me of Secret Garden.

Rekindles my dream of learning piano.

Jacky Wu is really funny to come up with such ridiculous lyrics.

After watching this:

and this:

Not many male, or even female, singers have MVs based on such themes.
I wonder if Jay Chou is a believer of reincarnation (前世今生).

欣雨 Xinyu


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