And these sum up how I have been feeling all of 2012.
To start selling apparel in May, to have a retail rack at KissJane Vivo, to put in huge commitment to learning the Dharma, to load on more and more new things onto myself and in short, to stretch myself out in so many ways I once thought impossible and come out a new me.
Did I mention I have never worked so hard my entire life?
Sometimes I think Life's too short to spend playing. I can't stand watching a movie or TV for long. And no to long dinners. I have too many interests in Life that I wish to explore.
The Husband says I'm a rash person. I think I operate on adrenalin rush.
I have been very lucky to receive much help in this impossible year of 2012. Thank you to all the sweet angels out there and of course, my ever supportive customers!
Can't wait for 2013. I have some huge decisions to make. Stay invincible, ladies!
And I have no idea why the red font refuse to turn black despite several tries. Sorry for the glare!
Picture credits: Facebook
欣雨 Xinyu