Friday started out great!
Now when I say great, that means I have a lot of waking hours. For Friday, it was from 915am till 5:16am Sat. That's an amazing record given that I slept from 6am till 915am!
So! I managed to scrape through my to-do list for Friday! Like rushing to the Post Office twice in a day! It was a bad bad bad idea to do parcel posting in the morning. Never done it before, cos usually I post in the afternoon. I was on the phone for at least 10 minutes and I couldn't book a cab nor could I hail a cab. So there I was, walking up and down the street under the blazing sun, praying for a cab to drop from the sky, but my Guardian Angel must have been too busy to hear my prayer. At my wits' end, I took the train, after eons of not being in a carriage.
To make up for all the anguish I suffered in the early morning, I bought myself Mac's Sausage Mcmuffin breakfast with Coca-cola afterwards. =D
It was just 1050am after I was done with breakfast and you know what? No cabs at the taxi stand, despite a short queue. Not wanting to swelter in the heat again, I shopped around at Cotton On and bought 4 loose tops on sale! The shirts with long backs were selling at S$15 and the the T-shirts were S$10 each! I love them to bits! I like how I can dress up or down in them and long tees can be so hard to come by. During stock moving or parcel packing, such tops will come in handy! When I'm so tired, I really love looking like a sack.
The Husband couldn't agree with my choice of clothes though. He said I tend to dress differently from most girls. Is that a good or bad thing? *scratch head* But he made up for it by saying as long as I am happy, he is happy. Hmm, 话有玄机. Oh well, at least he doesn't come and 碍手碍脚 in what I like to wear! =))
Friday night ended off with us having supper/dinner at Changi Airport T3. There's a nice stall at T3 Kopitiam foodcourt that sells yummy 炸酱面 and 饺子.
It faces Ya Kun and prices are really reasonable.
It was around midnight when we reached and Level B2 was still very crowded. The airport really made a great place to hang out late at night, especially during the weekend with food options aplenty.
Looking stiff posing for the photo. Spot the herbal tea in the pic! Eu Yan Sang herbal tea really rocks! It's not as sweet as those from ZTP or Fu Hua and best of all, it uses rock sugar! The others, if I'm not wrong, use 蔗糖 (cane sugar). They have several flavours like ginseng chrysanthemum and luo han guo. A great option for people who travel abroad and need their dosage of herbal tea, as the bottles are fully sealed.
There's no preservatives in the drink, but you can certainly keep it for at least a month before it goes bad. I wonder how this bit of science works.
It was around midnight when we reached and Level B2 was still very crowded. The airport really made a great place to hang out late at night, especially during the weekend with food options aplenty.
Looking stiff posing for the photo. Spot the herbal tea in the pic! Eu Yan Sang herbal tea really rocks! It's not as sweet as those from ZTP or Fu Hua and best of all, it uses rock sugar! The others, if I'm not wrong, use 蔗糖 (cane sugar). They have several flavours like ginseng chrysanthemum and luo han guo. A great option for people who travel abroad and need their dosage of herbal tea, as the bottles are fully sealed.
There's no preservatives in the drink, but you can certainly keep it for at least a month before it goes bad. I wonder how this bit of science works.

My favourite 炸酱面!
I had almost threw away that pinstriped shirt I donned prior to wearing it out on Friday. It had turned 'giam-chye' under my very unprofessional way of washing. Everything about it was good though, so I thought let's send it to the laundry people before donating it to Salvation Army.
And you know what? Fabric-pro did such a PRO job! My shirt came back, looking almost as good as new! The fabric became stiffer, the yellow-ness in it disappeared and my shirt looked so much smarter! Did they use starch in it? I think so. The Husband said the chemicals the laundry people used were certainly better than those we use at home. In any case, it's S$4.50 well spent! Gonna do it again when my shirt start turning 'giam-chye'! I'm not very good at maintaining such white clothing. At such an affordable price, I rather leave it to the pros!

2nd round of dining at The Connoisseur Concerto!
That's their fat dessert-style Pancakes, Caesar Salad and Marble Cheesecake!
TCC at Terminal 3 is the only branch that serves all-day breakfast, which includes the fat pancakes above. We had it without the usual icing sugar and caramel on the bananas. That would be too jelat! They usually comes with some raspberries/blueberries though. That explains the more-than-usual amount of bananas.
I like TCC Caesar Salad a lot! My next favourite after Spizza's version (fabulous chicken meat in the salad). I like the slight runny yolk in the eggs, the thin toasts instead of the common hard croutons, the addition of cherry tomatoes and the cheese flakes! Yumms! Coffee Club's version is not nice at all! =P
The Husband is a fan of cheesecakes and according to him, the chocolate in the Marble Cheese balanced the overload of cheese one would expect from a plain cheesecake.

The bag I brought out on Friday! Had wanted to bring this in to TFL but there weren't enough stocks, so I only got 1 black bag for my books. I called it the Ladder Satchel, guess why? =P
欣雨 Xinyu