My best friend in secondary school introduced me to this brand of sanitary napkins when I was 14. Had been using it since then. Ultra thin way before the other brands came out with their version & amazingly absorbent! I had tried Kotex (they came to our school!), Laurier and Whisper but none matches the comfort level. But this brand has undergone at least 2 name changes in the past decade.
When it was first launched, it was Prima (or something like that). Years later, it changed to Modess. Now, it's Stayfree. I guess the demand for this brand is not as strong as the dominant brands, hence the several rebranding attempts. It was frustrating when I couldn't find my favourite brand on the shelves. Would take several months for me to find it again and I always have to figure out which is the one.
Guess how I always re-find my favourite brand of pads?

From the front, the Butterfly symbol! It was their mascot since Prima days! Sometimes it's big, sometimes it's small, sometimes it's fully coloured, sometimes it's just a silhouette drawing.
And step no. 2,

I look for the manufacturing company! It's by Johnson & Johnson!
Stayfree also has sanitary napkins meant for lighter flow days. I find that so useful!
Stayfree also has sanitary napkins meant for lighter flow days. I find that so useful!
My mum is an ardent fan of Kotex, but I'm a Johnson & Johnson convert all the way! I wish they have more aggressive marketing like how Kotex & Laurier do! That will make buying their pads easier! I used to buy half a suitcase worth of their pads when I stayed over at Bangkok. Much cheaper there! Watsons in Singapore did not carry this brand for a very long time, and I have to get it at Cold Storage/Guardian. But now not only Watsons has this, so does Mustafa! Surprise surprise!
And Mustafa has a comprehensive Eu Yan Sang counter at its newer building at Level 1 too! That's where I snapped these pics on Sun! Now I know where to find 真材实料 herbal tea in the middle of the night!
I've been swearing by Eu Yan Sang Bak Fong Pills for about a decade. They help relieve my tiredness, slight cramps and discomfort during menstruation. Having 八珍汤 after menstruation is heaven for me! My mum used to make that for me, before I got married. There would be a chicken drumstick and a hard-boiled egg each for my sister & I and chicken liver in the soup! The soup is kick-ass bitter! I'm pretty sure that helps keep my sister's and my wombs clean, healthy & strong! Hahaha! We didn't have cramps problems in our younger days or experience much tiredness then. But it's a different story now. =P
Best to get the Bak Fong Pills in bulk when Eu Yan Sang has 20% discount. Happens about twice a year, during the 三八妇女节 period and somewhere 2nd half of the year. That's when I stock up!
欣雨 Xinyu