Recently, I have an unexplained fascination for small boxy handbags. You might have noticed if you are a regular at TFL, even if just 'window-shopping'. Don't underestimate the size of such bags. Unless you are trying to stuff your Ipad inside, the bags are more than enough for our daily essentials!
I like to use such small bags during the weekends when I can be away from work temporarily for that precious 2 days. To breathe fresh air and to charge my brain.
Most people I've seen tend to sling it long at the side. I like to shorten the strap to the shortest possible and carry it like a handbag. Feel damn vogue that way. Hahaha!
Back in my SQ days, my colleagues and I were whining about how the company should update our blue handbags. It felt so old-fashioned to be using that bag. Yes, we all agree it looked good with our kebayas. But surely we can have a more fashionable bag, right? I was smitten with those sand-coloured hobos the SilkAir gals were carrying. Well, fashion comes in a full circle and now I'm eating my own words.
Here's a non-touched up photo for you to see the length of the tank top! Can still pull down somemore. No lah, I didn't pose for the photo like that. Was pushing away my irritating fringe.
Back to my favourite jacket! It originally came with white fur trimmings and looked really nice when I wore it during cold weather overseas. There's even a detachable fur collar! I got it from a now-defunct shop at Tiong Bahru Plaza for S$60+. Back then, I was still an undergrad, working to pay for my school fees. S$60+ was A LOT to me. Was loitering around that boutique for days before I pluck up my guts and decided that it was now or never to buy this jacket!
After I stopped flying, this jacket was dumped to the back of my wardrobe for so long that I had forgotten all about it. When I dug it out one day and tried it on, I decided that there's no way I can wear this in Singapore with all the fur trim, so I brought it to my favourite alteration seamstress at Metro to remove the fur trim. Paid S$6 for it. I don't trust myself to do suchtime-consuming delicate job. =D
She did an excellent job! You couldn't tell that there were fur trim sewn on it before! There was another time when I brought my black pants to her because all the 3 frontal buttons fell out (it's not my waistline that causing it!) and her stitching is so much stronger than the original version.
BIG HEART! Albeit a bit skinny. =D
So difficult to find a nice denim jacket of the right wash, fade, detailing & fit! I'm gonna hold on to this jacket till it disintegrates into shreds! It's just as lovely when worn over dresses or flowy skirts!
Maybe next time I will post up some beautiful skirts that I have kept for years and have maintained them very well because they are so precious to me! Those were the days before online shopping got hip!
Do you have any clothing that you love to death and have kept for years? I'm not the only clothes-hoarder around, right? Haha!
Have a fabulous Sunday, my dear readers! =)
I like to use such small bags during the weekends when I can be away from work temporarily for that precious 2 days. To breathe fresh air and to charge my brain.
Most people I've seen tend to sling it long at the side. I like to shorten the strap to the shortest possible and carry it like a handbag. Feel damn vogue that way. Hahaha!
Back in my SQ days, my colleagues and I were whining about how the company should update our blue handbags. It felt so old-fashioned to be using that bag. Yes, we all agree it looked good with our kebayas. But surely we can have a more fashionable bag, right? I was smitten with those sand-coloured hobos the SilkAir gals were carrying. Well, fashion comes in a full circle and now I'm eating my own words.
Sometimes I hide the strap (if undetachable) and use the bag as a clutch.
Work has been weighing heavily on my mind since the beginning of the year, when the workload has intensified. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very happy doing all these. =)
But I have to say I feel overworked recently. Keeping up with weekly launches, all the late nights, the endless packing, the emails-battling, the need to keep renewing TFL to stay ahead of competition. Since last week, I have been battling with work phobia. Somehow I got a bit hesitant to start work on the emails everyday. No, it's not that I have difficult customers or what. I just felt mentally very exhausted. It was like there's nothing more I can give to my passion. Packing the parcels took longer than usual. My body was constantly aching from all the heavyweight moving I do daily. Imagine 30-50kg packing every work day. I felt uber worn out everyday. The laptop virus slowed things down and got more frustrating for me. The Husband was some few hundred thousands kilometres away in Pakistan and no one was quite around to hear my ranting (well, except my Twitter followers =P ) or rather solve my laptop problems for me.
So it was a head-on battle alone. I think I should get back to my routine of having Coca-cola with potato chips at night while working. That will cheer me up loads! #badexampledonotlearnfromme
I think using small bags over the weekend is my way of carrying less with me. Literally & figuratively. You know, less things, less burden, less stress, less burn out? I tried explaining to the Husband but girls' mentality are kinda too complex for the average man.
This is one of my current favourite outfits! I love the brown pants! I love my 12-year old denim jacket! I love my jacket so much that I only send it for drycleaning, so that the colour will stay true! I don't even handwash it myself. It is not too thick or too thin and has travelled round the world with me! You won't be able to tell that it's 12 years old!
TFL does not usually bring in canvas bags, but this one caught my attention. The factory made this design in a huge order placed by a Japanese store and there were extras. This has happened to TFL bags before too when the factory wants to use up the remaining fabric and makes a lot more than what was ordered.
I used to have a fascination for Japanese style bags when Muji first came to Singapore. They are always so clean-looking, stylish and can be so versatile if you know how to! This comes in Orange too in the next collection!
About Japanese retailers, I recently discovered that the best place for plain tank tops is not Cotton On but UNIQLO!!! I bought my white tank top at S$15.90 from Uniqlo 313 and because there's lycra in it, the tank top does not turn 'giam-chye' that easily! Cotton On's version are pure cotton and not as durable. Best of all, Uniqlo's version is longer and the neckline does not get lower that easily after washes. LOVE!!! I am a size S, but bought M for the tank top so that it will not be too tight. #nolongersweetyoungthing
Back to my favourite jacket! It originally came with white fur trimmings and looked really nice when I wore it during cold weather overseas. There's even a detachable fur collar! I got it from a now-defunct shop at Tiong Bahru Plaza for S$60+. Back then, I was still an undergrad, working to pay for my school fees. S$60+ was A LOT to me. Was loitering around that boutique for days before I pluck up my guts and decided that it was now or never to buy this jacket!
After I stopped flying, this jacket was dumped to the back of my wardrobe for so long that I had forgotten all about it. When I dug it out one day and tried it on, I decided that there's no way I can wear this in Singapore with all the fur trim, so I brought it to my favourite alteration seamstress at Metro to remove the fur trim. Paid S$6 for it. I don't trust myself to do such
She did an excellent job! You couldn't tell that there were fur trim sewn on it before! There was another time when I brought my black pants to her because all the 3 frontal buttons fell out (it's not my waistline that causing it!) and her stitching is so much stronger than the original version.
So difficult to find a nice denim jacket of the right wash, fade, detailing & fit! I'm gonna hold on to this jacket till it disintegrates into shreds! It's just as lovely when worn over dresses or flowy skirts!
Maybe next time I will post up some beautiful skirts that I have kept for years and have maintained them very well because they are so precious to me! Those were the days before online shopping got hip!
Do you have any clothing that you love to death and have kept for years? I'm not the only clothes-hoarder around, right? Haha!
Have a fabulous Sunday, my dear readers! =)
欣雨 Xinyu