Guess what, this is the very first time I create a label 'Shopping' for my entries!
Not that I haven't been shopping for girly stuff!
Just that, I don't have a camera to flaunt my purchases.
The Husband is a scrooge when I nicely ask for his Iphone.
He complains that I drain his Iphone's battery too fast with my umpteen shots.
Iphone 4S is coming out this Friday!
*throws confetti*
But no news from Starhub yet on its pricing.
I presume it should be about the same as M1. =)
My phone contract ends on April 7, next year.
Contract renewal between 13th to 21st month of current contract means paying an extra S$200.
Absolutely rubbish, if you ask me.
Not like they are losing money when we sign our lives to them for another 2 years.
So that means I can only buy the Iphone 4S from January 7th onwards.
No taking pretty X'mas photos with a 'camera' of my own.
I wonder if Starhub will send me a S$100 handset upgrade voucher, as they did previously.
All these years, I've never utilise all those vouchers. I only go for S$0 phones.
That was before the era of smartphones.
Every other phone seems the same. I didn't feel the looks make much difference.
My current Nokia phone at 3.5 years old is the longest surviving phone.
What they say about Nokia producing very durable phones is true!
I've lost count of the gazillion times my phone survived bungee jumps.
Actually, the whole point of this opening is to wonder aloud if it's too thick-skinned to email Starhub for the voucher, erm, in advance?
At the Chinese books section at Kinokuniya, Ngee Ann City.
I love Chinese books! Their selection beats Popular's hands down.
Borders should have worked harder in having more selection in different languages.
Bag: Sammi Tote, Tian Fen Lan
Necklace: Pinnancles Necklace, Tian Fen Lan
I rarely post photos of myself. Hence the need to self-advertise a bit first.
And must write my store's name in full, with hyperlinks to boot.
*smug grin*
I really like to carry bags at the side, with the long sling strap.
It doesn't crumple up my blazer and I don't have to fumble to make sure everything is in place.
So much easier to unzip the bag and grab whatever!
So much easier to unzip the bag and grab whatever!
Top: Saint Jose Top, Love Bonito
Pants suit: G2000
At my age, it can get kinda tricky to buy clothes from blogshops.
The choices can be too young, too cute, too playful, too not-my-age/style.
Love Bonito really does it well in having great material, designs that you can play up/down according to your style & age and most importantly, an abundance of options for work and R&R days.
That said, I don't quite understand why such a pretty & versatile top is only 22 inches long.
Too short! I don't have abs to flaunt and it runs up when I sit.
Once upon a time, G2000 has lousy cutting for long-limbs people like me.
Ever since they change their cutting and improved their fabric choices a few years back, I'm a total convert to their suits!
Read, suits only.
I'm a huge fan of pants/skirt/dress suits.
No mismatched stuff when it comes to important work occasions.
Very few local girls don full suits, I realise.
I've 4-5 so far. The fit is great!
I do wish their jackets can be slightly longer though.
G2000 is having a season sale till end Oct.
Their sales always have very good bargains!
I saw this black pin-striped pants suit going at 40% off from its usual price of S$159.
My previous suits were bought at S$119-129. Similar material.
Seems like they are slowly inching the prices upwards.
I was looking for the latest book written by my Grandmaster, 蓮生活佛 (the Buddhist master I took refuge in).
It's his #223 book that I'm holding.
That's right! He has written a mind-staggering number of 223 Dharma books over 30 years.
Every day, he makes it a point to write an essay. So in a month or 2, he will have enough for a book.
Such amazing dedication & focus!
I've accumulated about 150 Grandmaster's books, I think. Bought from Taipei, Hong Kong, KL & locally.
Still hunting for the older ones!
I've accumulated about 150 Grandmaster's books, I think. Bought from Taipei, Hong Kong, KL & locally.
Still hunting for the older ones!
I'm struggling to read as fast & understand as much as I can, to keep up with his pace!
You know the next best thing about Kinokuniya??
Not the Japanese fashion magazines.
Not the Japanese manga.
Not the Coffee Club.
Not the aisles and aisles of English & Chinese books.

It's their Wonderland of diary planners/organizers!!!
No other place I know in Singapore has such an amazing variety of organizers!
Not the usual Keny/Moleskin kinds!
I dare say they have it in almost every imaginable style you can think of!
The above photo is only showing 25% of the choices there.
Look at that! Shelves and shelves and shelves of planners for you to go wild about!
*fangirl scream*

Their 2012 organizers are already out! There were so many girls checking them out when I was there yesterday.
I've been a fan of Kinokuniya's organizers since I was in uni!
Girly, sweet and adorable, checked!
Whimsical and hand-made, checked!
Fabric or PVC covers, checked!

In every colour of the rainbow, checked!
With or without button closure, checked!
Monthly, weekly, daily layouts with notes area or an assortment in one, checked!
Big, Medium, Small & even XS organizer for that dainty lady, checked!

Or you like it vintage with a Harry Potter feel, checked!
Something Chanel-esque, checked!
Only thing is...
Be prepared to pay S$25-30 over bucks for a planner that is made in Japan.
Don't try waiting till next January to buy from Kinokuniya!
The nice ones will be gone by then!
*speaking from experience*
If you divide the cost over 365 days, plus that bonus extra month/week, it's only S$2+ per month.
Or you can buy planners in Japan!
Just as kawaii & mostly less than S$20!
Or you can buy planners in Japan!
Just as kawaii & mostly less than S$20!
There were just too many dazzling options that I couldn't decide on what style I want to adopt for 2012.
Never mind, I will be back!!
By the way, have you seen the latest launch on my sister site,
I hearts their current collection so much!!
Let me show you what took my breath away!
Let me show you what took my breath away!
My goodness, I wish I'm 21 again!
This suspender skirt is so cute to bits!!!
It reminds me of what Minnie Mouse might wear!
They also have it in blue! The Smurfette blue!
High-waist jeans in Mustard are such a rare find!
All their prices include local postage. It's a complete steal at S$29!
You can colour-block like mad with this versatile pair of jeans!
Dress it up with heels to go more sleek!
Dress it up with heels to go more sleek!
They have it in Baby Pink too for the demure dressers.
I'm a lover of shirt dresses!
They are forever in vogue and so easy to wear for any kind of figure.
This version that the piggies have is more light-weight than what the photos show.
A great choice for our sunny Singapore!
The fabric is velvety to the feel yet soft. What a quaint contrast to the usual shirtdresses!
Jazz up the dress with your own coloured belt & viola, a chirpy & vibrant look!
The piggies have this pretty shirtdress in a neutral beige too!
If no one buys them, I'm going to grab all!
The main point of squashing the big montages in my tiny blog is to show you the piggies' new template for their clothing.
It's done by, ahem, yours truly!!
I think this new template showcases their adorable & colourful clothing much better than the previous one I did a year plus ago.
Only thing is, now I think theirs is nicer than TFL's. -___-
Heard orders for this collection are 2 times more than the usual!
So happy!!
The piggies have such pretty clothes!
Hop on over to the piggies' site to gawk & shop now!
欣雨 Xinyu