On Tuesday night (technically, Wed morning as it was 630am), when I finally got on my bed after a long exhausting day, I had this bugging feeling that I have forgotten something important.
Then, it struck me.
IT WAS 觀音誕 ON TUESDAY 19 JULY, 六月十九!!!
I remembered going to bed on Monday night (okay, Tues morning 6am) telling myself that I will go buy offerings for the Bodhisattva, famed for great compassion, after Tuesday's parcel posting.
In fact, it has been on my mind since a week ago.
When I woke up the next day, I plain forgot about it.
It was a long day verifying payments from Mon's launch, packing and mailing parcels.
Delirious from the excitement that Series 48 was well-received by my customers, I even went to treat myself to Mac's Twister Fries cos I haven't had it before.
Juvenile me.
Oh man, I feel so lousy for forgetting. =((

The lotuses I could have bought. =(
Except I never buy those artificially-dyed ones.
I don't see the logic behind offering a fake red lotus. =|
There are 3 days on the Lunar Calendar that are known as 觀音誕 .
Most people have the misconception that the Bodhisattva has 3 birthdays.
The fact is the actual birthday is on the Lunar Calendar, 二月十九, the 19th day of the 2nd month.
In English, the Bodhisattva is known as the Goddess of Mercy.
Practitioners of Bodhisattva's doctrines cultivate by these few ways:
Practitioners of Bodhisattva's doctrines cultivate by these few ways:
- 念菩薩尊稱: 南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩
Chant the mantra of the Bodhisattva ~ Om Ma Ni Peh Me Hom

I find the mantra so meaningful that last year, I memorised how to write the Tibetan version of it.
It's not like art & craft drawing, whereby simply tracing the outline means you are good enough.
I have seen those written by Buddhist masters.
It's not like art & craft drawing, whereby simply tracing the outline means you are good enough.
I have seen those written by Buddhist masters.
Still got a long way to go before I write it well enough.
3. 持大悲咒
Chant the Great Compassion Mantra
4. 持白衣大士神咒
5. 念經:心經﹑妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品等。
Recite sutras: Heart Sutra, Universal Door Chapter of the Lotus Sutra etc.
Above are just some examples. There are more ways of practise.
This is a very popular melodious version of the Heart Sutra (心經) by a Malaysian singer/composer Imee Ooi, 黃慧音, clocking over a million views on Youtube.
So popular that it is tough to find the CD in stores.
In China, there are 4 sacred mountains associated with Buddhism - Zhejiang Mount Putuo, Shanxi Mount Wutai, Sichuan Mount Ermei and Anhui Mount Jiuhua
文殊师利菩薩的道場 。
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī.
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha.
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra.
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山西五台山, source: www.51766.com |
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Mañjuśrī.
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安徽九華山, source: Anhui.com |
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha.
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四川峨眉山, source: Google images |
The bodhimanda of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra.
Located in Zhejiang, Mount Putuo is the bodhimanda (a Sanskrit word: place of practice) of the great Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Located in Zhejiang, Mount Putuo is the bodhimanda (a Sanskrit word: place of practice) of the great Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
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浙江普陀山, source: putuoshan.gov.cn |
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浙江普陀山, source: jingqu.zhifang.com |
Maybe one day I might get a chance to visit these sacred places.
In Singapore, we have the all-time famous Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple located at Waterloo Street.
Of traditional craftmanship, the temple was first constructed in 1884 and then extensively rebuit in 1982 to accomodate the increasing number of devotees
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Source: Google images |
Back in World War 2, when the Japanese tried to bomb the temple repeatedly, they could not succeed.
Other neighbouring buildings were, however, terribly destroyed.
During the turbulent times, the temple was a place of shelter for the homeless, the injured and the ill ones.
Other neighbouring buildings were, however, terribly destroyed.
During the turbulent times, the temple was a place of shelter for the homeless, the injured and the ill ones.
During my twenties, I was one of those who went to seek a divination stick in the beaten brass cans.
Okay, many divination sticks actually.
Quarter-life crisis.
When I read the Singapore guides to this historic temple, they write things like "receive good luck after worshipping".
I read such articles with a slightly down feeling.
Buddhism and Taoism, in my opinion, are one of the most misunderstood religions around.
The teachings are documented in many ancients sutras and books of at least thousands of years in age.
The vast amount of all these has made learning these religions and their philosophies on life difficult for many amateurs.
I studied in St. Andrew's Junior College and was surrounded by many Christian friends.
Think almost half of my class are Christians.
Every morning, prayers were said during flag assembly.
Every Thursday, there was chapel time and singing of very nice Christian songs.
The religion was much easier and more straight forward to comprehend.
I was that close to becoming a Christian.
No one was able to answer the questions I have pertaining to Buddhism, till I joined NUS Buddhist Society in my last year in NUS.
More than 30% of Singaporeans are Buddhists.
But ask a Buddhist the reason for being one, some common answers will be:
"My parents are, so I just follow."
"I think Buddhas and Bodhisattvas exist, but I don't know more."
"I don't know, I never thought about it."
"My parents will be furious if I choose a Western religion."
Rarely will anyone say, "I've studied the teachings of Buddha before making my decision. I truly agree with them more than other religions, hence, I took refuge."
Very few Buddhists know their religion well.
In the first place, very few of them actually take refuge (akin to baptism in Christianity).
It's a sad fact for us Buddhists, that when asked about basic questions on Buddhism, rarely anyone can answer well.
I am dismayed.
Even at myself.
This is a propelling reason why I began my studies of the Dharma since 21.
I want to know more about what I choose to believe in.
I don't want to be labelled 'supersitious' by people who don't understand and hence, take to name-calling and criticism as an easy way out.
Quarter-life crisis.
When I read the Singapore guides to this historic temple, they write things like "receive good luck after worshipping".
I read such articles with a slightly down feeling.
Buddhism and Taoism, in my opinion, are one of the most misunderstood religions around.
The teachings are documented in many ancients sutras and books of at least thousands of years in age.
The vast amount of all these has made learning these religions and their philosophies on life difficult for many amateurs.
I studied in St. Andrew's Junior College and was surrounded by many Christian friends.
Think almost half of my class are Christians.
Every morning, prayers were said during flag assembly.
Every Thursday, there was chapel time and singing of very nice Christian songs.
The religion was much easier and more straight forward to comprehend.
I was that close to becoming a Christian.
No one was able to answer the questions I have pertaining to Buddhism, till I joined NUS Buddhist Society in my last year in NUS.
More than 30% of Singaporeans are Buddhists.
But ask a Buddhist the reason for being one, some common answers will be:
"My parents are, so I just follow."
"I think Buddhas and Bodhisattvas exist, but I don't know more."
"I don't know, I never thought about it."
"My parents will be furious if I choose a Western religion."
Rarely will anyone say, "I've studied the teachings of Buddha before making my decision. I truly agree with them more than other religions, hence, I took refuge."
Very few Buddhists know their religion well.
In the first place, very few of them actually take refuge (akin to baptism in Christianity).
It's a sad fact for us Buddhists, that when asked about basic questions on Buddhism, rarely anyone can answer well.
I am dismayed.
Even at myself.
This is a propelling reason why I began my studies of the Dharma since 21.
I want to know more about what I choose to believe in.
I don't want to be labelled 'supersitious' by people who don't understand and hence, take to name-calling and criticism as an easy way out.
When you step inside Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple to pray, you are not automatically entitled to good luck.
Joss sticks are complimentary at the temple.
There are people who buy packs of joss sticks to put them at the temple, as a way of expressing their gratitude to the Bodhisattva who has fulfilled their wishes.
When seeking help, advice or praying for 'good luck', I strongly encourage you to buy an offering - flowers or fruits are some common choices.
The large number of street vendors just outside the temple makes it easy for anyone to buy a offering.
They sell fruits too. Just ask for them!
The point is don't walk into the temple empty-handed.
Or at least make a donation within your ability.
I mean, in real life, if you ask someone for a favour, especially big ones like 'Grant me a well-paying job!", "I want a baby boy!", "I want to get married!", "I'm so broke that it hurts.", you would at the very least buy a drink or pay for a meal, right?
It's understandable if a person is so poor that he/she can only afford the transport fare to and fro the temple.
If this is not the case, then why would anyone walk into a temple, expecting 'free' help?
Joss sticks are complimentary at the temple.
There are people who buy packs of joss sticks to put them at the temple, as a way of expressing their gratitude to the Bodhisattva who has fulfilled their wishes.
When seeking help, advice or praying for 'good luck', I strongly encourage you to buy an offering - flowers or fruits are some common choices.
The large number of street vendors just outside the temple makes it easy for anyone to buy a offering.
They sell fruits too. Just ask for them!
The point is don't walk into the temple empty-handed.
Or at least make a donation within your ability.
I mean, in real life, if you ask someone for a favour, especially big ones like 'Grant me a well-paying job!", "I want a baby boy!", "I want to get married!", "I'm so broke that it hurts.", you would at the very least buy a drink or pay for a meal, right?
It's understandable if a person is so poor that he/she can only afford the transport fare to and fro the temple.
If this is not the case, then why would anyone walk into a temple, expecting 'free' help?
You will be surprised that there are people who do just that.
Some even said, "I will buy an offering/make a donation ONLY if YOU (referring to 觀世音菩薩) bless me and grant my wish."
The only 'offering' they make is praying with incense sticks.
But the incense sticks are complimentary, remember?
Please read my earlier entry on how some worshippers talk terms & conditions with the Higher Beings.
观音菩萨妙难酬 清净庄严累劫修
三十二应遍尘刹 百千万劫化阎浮
瓶中甘露常时洒 手内杨柳不计秋
千处祈求千处显 苦海常作渡人舟 佛法的浩瀚,恐怕我用盡一生的時間都無法學的好。
Even if I dedicate my entire life, I might still be unable to learn all that there is in the vast ocean of the Dharma.
Just writing this blog entry took me 5 days.
I hope I didn't bore you out.
My dear readers, thank you for reading through this lengthy entry.
欣雨 Xinyu