09 July 2013


I had this fan girl crush on Jet Li recently after rewatching 中南海保鏢 on Youtube.

That explains the recent late night movie marathons on Youtube, catching up on all his past movies and just to ooh and aah at my crush.

The next day, I had to explain to the Husband why I looked so starstruck while staring into my phone.

Me: You know why don't you go learn martial arts?

Husband: Hahaha, you want me to be like Jet Li ah?

Me *squint my eyes*:  But I think you need to slim down first. Your frame is too big for a martial arts person.

Husband: Ya, like Kungfu Panda!

Somewhere along the gleeful conversation, something struck me.

Me: Why is it that when 男人認真在做東西時,就被認爲帥? Like how when Jet Li is very serious in his roles and he looked so handsome. 而女人在認真做事時,好像不會被說為美麗或漂亮?

Husband: Well, because the definition of women's beauty is not about their seriousness.

Me: Huh, why ah? I mean doesn't dedication counts?

Husband: Yes, but oh well...

Me: I know...男女是不太會平等的。 

欣雨 Xinyu


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