28 May 2013


If tonight never end. If tomorrow never come.

My love for instrumental music probably started from Yanni or Kitaro, when I was in my secondary school days and their music were all the rage for being revolutionary.

The other day in the Husband's car, I was surprised to hear a somewhat familiar piece of piano music playing. It has been so long since he played that CD that both of us forgot how much we used to love instrumental music. They are the kind of music that no matter how many years later you listen to them, they still sound so classic.

Asian pianist composers are different from the Caucasians, in that their music are a tad more delicate in their emotions.

My all-time favourite musical instrument is the piano. I think because I'm such a sucker for emo music.

I'm still not giving up hope that one day, I will have the chance to learn it.

It's really true, you know. When you think about something, send out a thought, somehow or rather, the Universe will send it your way. Sometimes it takes days, months and years. Depends on how much you want it. And if you really deserve what you want. 

The CD was from 6 years ago, at least. It was so deja vu to hear it all over again, raking up a lot of memories. Especially when we were on a long drive home and hearing the music soothed my heart and calmed my nerves.

Have you ever tried relaxing yourself? Like letting loose that grip on your hand, really slowing down the activity in your brain, relaxing your facial muscles (you would be surprised at how much you are frowning) and even stretching those toes of yours. Whenever I do that, I can't help but ask myself why.

Why am I so tensed up about?

What is bothering me?


It's not about the money. It's not about the possessions. It's not about the people.

If I ask this in those public forums, I can half imagine some of the cynics will blame it on the government. That's too convenient.

We can always live a life that's out of the mould. It's just whether we want to. I vouch for that because my adult life is nowhere near the standard Singapore mould.

And if you choose to live a cookie-cutter life, it's your choice. Don't whine.

Show you a pic of the CD we have next time! I forgot to snap a pic of it!

But I found her music on Youtube. Didn't know their titles (everything was in Japanese) so I had to scour through tens of it to find those that I like to share with you girls!

西村 由紀江  Yukie Nishimura is a Japanese pianist whose piano style is light and easy to listen to. I goggled for her details and wow, she's already 46!

手紙 Letter

This music was a inspiration for a Cantonese song by Eason Chan but I'm not sharing it here. Because I still prefer the piano music. Once such a beautiful piece of composition is made into a pop song, the sincerity behind seems to take a backseat.


And while trying to look for Yukie Nishimura (I couldn't remember her name, typed Japanese pianist on Youtube search and this came out), I stumbled onto Yiruma 이루마, a popular Korean pianist and composer. Here's some of my favourites!


River Flows In You

If a video has 6.4 million Youtube views and counting, it got to be good.

Kiss in the Rain

I like this piece just as much. For being so delicate and that gentle tug on the heartstrings.

If I ever play the piano so well, I wonder if I will look so absorbed.

If you skip clicking on the previous videos, this video below, ladies, you must watch. It's gonna take your breath away.

Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence
 by 坂本龍一 Ryuichi Sakamoto

Piano with cello accompaniment. They did it in 1996, way before the piano guys. Like what the comments say, this is the kind of music that touch your soul.

I think to kickstart this pianist dream of mine, I can go buy a Ipad mini, no wait, make it a Ipad so I can see better, get a piano and put on those piano Youtube tutorials that teach how to play these songs. That will be my music score on the piano. And I must select those tutorials that say XXX music piano tutorial - SLOW version. Haha.

欣雨 Xinyu


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