There are some topics that are very close to my heart and this is one of them.
I am not thinking less of those ladies who opted to abort before. What I am saying here is if you had done so before, in the articles I am going to share below, you now have the knowledge to make up for what you have done before.
Whatever the reason was, we cannot go back to undo it. But if it is to happen again, please don't take the easy way out. It is the human instinct to fight for survival. The same goes for our baby.
I remember what my student once said to me when I was tutoring in the past. She was very unhappy with the way she was being treated by the adults in the household and came to me wailing hysterically, "Teacher, why do you adults always think you really know what is best for us? Why do you adults never ask us what we think, what we want? Why do we always get knocked off just because we are children? Why, teacher, why??? I hate being a child! I hate being a child!"
If that is what a disgruntled child feels, what will the baby feel when his body is crushed ruthlessly and ripped apart into pieces?
Ladies, if you want to have unprotected sex, please be fully aware of the consequences. And before you jump into bed with a man, please ask if he is ready to have a child with you if things go awry. If he's not, whatever 'I love you' he said is fake. He just want a cheap thrill out of you.
I salute Tammy Tay from Ohsofickle for standing by her decision to have a child out of wedlock and not taking the easy way out. You might say because she has $upport. I think otherwise. Respect for giving Baby Elroye a chance to live and bearing responsibility for her own actions.
Master Dai Hu, a trained and professional geomancer with more than 15 years of experience, has posted more than 70 insightful articles on Buddhism and
Chinese Metaphysics like Feng Shui, Name Analysis and Bazi Analysis in
both English & Chinese on his Facebook Page.
Articles below are shared from Master Dai Hu's Facebook Page (
【玳瑚師父出差碌】 《不要摧毀自己的命運》
Do Not Destroy Your Own Destiny (English version below)
吾說了又說,勸了又勸。 千萬不要墮胎!千萬不要墮胎!
做母親的,對方不負責任,妳怎麽也象他一樣不負責任呢?不要讓恨的烏雲遮擋智慧的太陽。妳有最後的決定權。如果妳不要拿掉自己的孩子,沒有人可以逼妳走進 那手術室,任由冷酷的醫療器材把嬰孩的身軀給砸碎,再吸出來丟棄。告訴妳,那血淋林的‘肉碎’被丟進垃圾桶時,妳身後就會有位充滿恨意的水子靈(嬰靈), 勢必要向父母復仇。不要說妳走頭無路,妳應該知道會有那麼一天。到最後,妳要負起的因果報應,妳以為是吾在開玩笑嗎?妳真以為妳負得起嗎?別傻了!因果之 事,不用你妳信,一樣照報!
流產的、夭折的也被歸類為水子靈。父母親也得負起責任。因為吾觀現在很多婦女沒有照顧好身子,亂吃亂喝亂睡,卻一直想懷孕。結果受孕後,孩子在子宮不到十 個星期就發現沒心跳,又或者生出體弱多病的孩子,導致夭折。吾批八字時,曾勸過一位婦女不要在某幾年懷孕。但她求子心切,不把吾的話放在心上,不斷嘗試受 孕,結果胎死腹中三次之多。天啊!這都是殺生啊!
流產過、墮胎過或有夭折孩子的父母都得為孩子在寺廟安靈位、修法懺悔己業和報名超度法會至少500次(由有證量的上師主壇)。若有人說幾次就可以了,別聽 信。自己用腦筋想想,如果吾用個鉗子夾碎您的頭直到頭破血流,再將您五馬分屍,血肉一團,再扔進垃圾桶,您會因為吾幾次的道歉賠償幾千元就原諒吾嗎?
做母親的,對方不負責任,妳怎麽也象他一樣不負責任呢?不要讓恨的烏雲遮擋智慧的太陽。妳有最後的決定權。如果妳不要拿掉自己的孩子,沒有人可以逼妳走進 那手術室,任由冷酷的醫療器材把嬰孩的身軀給砸碎,再吸出來丟棄。告訴妳,那血淋林的‘肉碎’被丟進垃圾桶時,妳身後就會有位充滿恨意的水子靈(嬰靈), 勢必要向父母復仇。不要說妳走頭無路,妳應該知道會有那麼一天。到最後,妳要負起的因果報應,妳以為是吾在開玩笑嗎?妳真以為妳負得起嗎?別傻了!因果之 事,不用你妳信,一樣照報!
流產的、夭折的也被歸類為水子靈。父母親也得負起責任。因為吾觀現在很多婦女沒有照顧好身子,亂吃亂喝亂睡,卻一直想懷孕。結果受孕後,孩子在子宮不到十 個星期就發現沒心跳,又或者生出體弱多病的孩子,導致夭折。吾批八字時,曾勸過一位婦女不要在某幾年懷孕。但她求子心切,不把吾的話放在心上,不斷嘗試受 孕,結果胎死腹中三次之多。天啊!這都是殺生啊!
流產過、墮胎過或有夭折孩子的父母都得為孩子在寺廟安靈位、修法懺悔己業和報名超度法會至少500次(由有證量的上師主壇)。若有人說幾次就可以了,別聽 信。自己用腦筋想想,如果吾用個鉗子夾碎您的頭直到頭破血流,再將您五馬分屍,血肉一團,再扔進垃圾桶,您會因為吾幾次的道歉賠償幾千元就原諒吾嗎?
Do Not Destroy Your Own Destiny (English version)
by Master Dai Hu
posted on 24 Sep 2014
I have said it over and over, and given countless advice on this.
Never go for an abortion! Never ever!
Do not foolishly think that by aborting the child, your life will be easier. It is absurd to hear reasons like "I am broke", "I am only 16 or 18, too young to have a child", "I am scared" etc.
So many excuses, then why did you allow yourself to fall prey to the temptation of lust in the first place?
You were too naive to think that this is not a serious matter, but alas, years of sufferings will follow. Your entire destiny and well being will take a turn for the worst.
Aborting a baby is akin to aborting all seeds of fortune and merits!
I have truly seen too many, countless, in fact of such cases. Please ponder deeply upon my words of advice.
As a man, please be responsible and do not fool around, thinking that there is no price to pay for your reckless behaviour and casual flings. Persuading your female partner to go for abortion is the same as being an accomplice to a murder, for which the karmic retribution you shall not be spared either.
As the mother of the child, how could you shirk the responsibility, like your partner did? Do not let the dark cloud of hatred obstruct your light of wisdom. You hold the ultimate vote of decision. If you decide against abortion, no one can force you into the operating theater and allow the cold and feeling-less medical instruments to crush the helpless fetus limp and sucking it out from your body. Let me tell you this, once the bloody and mangled piece of flesh, that was once your baby, is thrown into the waste bin, a fetal spirit will be standing right behind you, full of hatred for you and your partner. The spirit will be bent on exacting revenge on you and your partner. Please do not say that you had no other choice. You should know that this day will come. In the end, you would bear the karma of your cruel action. You think I am joking with you? You think you can easily bear this responsibility? Please do not be foolish. The Law of Karma holds its power over all, regardless if you believe it or not!
If you are not capable of raising the child, you can put the child up for fostering. At the very least, you preserve the child's life.
For those who had advised someone else to go for abortion, I really hate to tell you this, but your 'kind' intention had already sowed the seed of sufferings for yourself in time to come. No god will bless an accomplice to such a heinous act. The same goes for other 'accomplices' like the surgeons and nurses who administered the abortion, as well as those companies promoting abortion-related products and services. It is totally not worth it to bear the brunt of karma, and it will even implicate your descendants as well.
You think I am kidding you? I have absolutely nothing to gain from this!
Allow me to repeat myself. I have seen cases of women who had previous abortions and now suffering from various ailments concerning the female health (ovarian tumor, for example), their bodies giving off a strange odor, as well as a more aged appearance compared to their peers. They have depression bouts and their marriages encounter more obstacles. Any future pregnancy is either impossible or fraught with many difficulties resulting in miscarriages or traumatic births. The fetal spirit may reincarnate as their future offspring, who will turn out to be a child that is extremely difficult to teach and manage due to the innate hatred.
Babies that die from miscarriages or at a very young age after birth are classified under fetal spirits. The parents have to bear responsibility too. I have observed that many ladies do not take care of themselves well, wilfully consuming unhealthy food and adopting irregular sleeping hours, but yet hoping to bear a child. Once they got pregnant, the fetus could not sustain for more than 10 weeks before being discovered that the child's heart had stopped. Should they carry the pregnancy to the full term and deliver the baby, the child, more often than not, will have a bad health predisposition, resulting in a premature death. I once adviced a lady, who came to me for birth chart analysis, not to try for a child during certain years. Overcame by desperation to have a child, my advice fell on deaf ears. As a result, she had to suffer a stillbirth, not once but thrice! My goodness, this is killing of another being!
For babies who died in abortions, miscarriages or at a young age after birth, the parents should set up a tablet in a suitable temple for the fetal spirit, cultivate repentance practice and enroll for bardo deliverance ceremonies (conducted by a Master with spiritual attainment) for the fetal spirit for at least 500 times. Do not believe if somebody tell you that a few times is enough. Exercise your wisdom and ask yourself this question: "If I use a pair of steel pincers and repeatedly crush your head and body, ripping you apart till you become a mangled state of flesh and blood before dumping you into a bin, will you forgive me just simply because I apologise a few times and compensate you with a few thousand dollars?"
What I have described in this article are all true experiences from my line of work for the past 10 over years. I have seen many ladies with previous abortions that it is becoming too common for my comfort. It is a very grave situation that human lives are treated as if they are not worth a straw. What worries me most is that many of these ladies have no sense of regret at all! To have no qualms in treating their own flesh and blood with such cruelty, a human being can be more terrifying than a ghost indeed!
Photo credit: Google & SouFun. Photo is used as the mother of the baby hope to warn all against abortion. Give the innocent child a chance to live!)
【玳瑚師父出差錄】 你不要的那個小孩還在
The Baby You Did Not Want Is Still Around (English version below)
posted on 20 Apr 2014
上個星期一,我到台中的新光三越買褲。 在臺灣買褲一大好處是櫃檯專賣店都提供即刻改褲的服務。 等待當兒,我向售貨員要了一張白紙,免費為她測名。
在這宇宙閒,根本沒有一個人有權利剝奪另外一個人的生命,或一個生物,就算肉眼看不到的細菌,這些都是不能夠的,更何況是一個比較具有靈性的人。衆生皆有佛性,墮胎如殺佛。 五戒裏面,殺生為第一重罪,所以妻財子祿這些福都會在頓時閒被消除很多很多,如一粒苹果在分秒中被切成一半,所以不可不慎。
The Baby You Did Not Want Is Still Around (English version)
by Master Dai Hu
Last Monday, I was buying a pair of pants at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Taichung. The good thing about buying pants in Taiwan is the on-the-spot alteration service they provide. While waiting for the alteration, I asked for a piece of paper from the sales lady and gave her a free Name Analysis.
Before leaving, I asked, "Have you not want a child before?"
She nodded yes, with a bewildered look on her face.
"The spirit of your child is still lingering around you. You need to enroll in puja sessions to deliver his spirit to a better realm. "
What I saw was not just the fetus spirit, I also saw the emotional ailments that would take place in the sales lady in time to come. When I look at a person, I see beyond the outer appearance and read into their energy fields and mental thoughts.
A lot of my female clients have fetus spirits with them from their past abortions but scarily, they have little regret. This is a serious matter that needs a much broader awareness on the implications of abortions.
Many people are not concerned about their aborted babies. A great majority of us are ignorant about the grave effect of deliberate abortion, from oneself to the other family members, even affecting our society and country on the whole. Family problems like difficult children, flagging careers, failing businesses, illnesses and broken marriages are caused by our neglect to these fetus spirits. It's not too late to repent now.
In this universe, no one has the right to take away the life of another person, another animal and even the micro-organisms which escape our naked eyes. There exists a Buddha nature in all living beings. To abort a child is akin to killing a Buddha. I sincerely hope all of us will meet enlightened ones in our life to guide us onto the path of light.
Amongst the five precepts of Buddhism, the act of killing carries the most severity, heavily and speedily reducing our fortunes in marriage, wealth, descendants, career and health. It is akin to halving an apple in a split second, thus we need to be very cautious against committing the act of killing.
Many who had an abortion perceived that their child would not appear in their lives again. How wrong you are! Their aborted fetus spirits will manifest in other forms, as their karmic debtors. The next child that comes along is likely to be sickly or very hard to teach, draining the energy and resources of the parents. This is the law of karma!
The aborted children seek a sincere apology from their parents and a true cultivator with the ability to do deliverance pujas for them. It is only through sincere repentance that the enmity and grievances in the spirits of the aborted children can be resolved. Misfortune befalls those who chose otherwise. Many of my female clients with past abortions suffered from various ailments: strange body odor, hair loss, poor sleep, women health issues and even declining mental health. Even though the man might have initiated, the woman is ultimately the final decision maker when it comes to abortion and thus bears a larger responsibility.
Everyone yearns for an easy, carefree life, but why are we adding burdens to ourselves? Let's think harder about this for one wrong step may cause a lifelong of regret.
Photo credit: Google
Before leaving, I asked, "Have you not want a child before?"
She nodded yes, with a bewildered look on her face.
"The spirit of your child is still lingering around you. You need to enroll in puja sessions to deliver his spirit to a better realm. "
What I saw was not just the fetus spirit, I also saw the emotional ailments that would take place in the sales lady in time to come. When I look at a person, I see beyond the outer appearance and read into their energy fields and mental thoughts.
A lot of my female clients have fetus spirits with them from their past abortions but scarily, they have little regret. This is a serious matter that needs a much broader awareness on the implications of abortions.
Many people are not concerned about their aborted babies. A great majority of us are ignorant about the grave effect of deliberate abortion, from oneself to the other family members, even affecting our society and country on the whole. Family problems like difficult children, flagging careers, failing businesses, illnesses and broken marriages are caused by our neglect to these fetus spirits. It's not too late to repent now.
In this universe, no one has the right to take away the life of another person, another animal and even the micro-organisms which escape our naked eyes. There exists a Buddha nature in all living beings. To abort a child is akin to killing a Buddha. I sincerely hope all of us will meet enlightened ones in our life to guide us onto the path of light.
Amongst the five precepts of Buddhism, the act of killing carries the most severity, heavily and speedily reducing our fortunes in marriage, wealth, descendants, career and health. It is akin to halving an apple in a split second, thus we need to be very cautious against committing the act of killing.
Many who had an abortion perceived that their child would not appear in their lives again. How wrong you are! Their aborted fetus spirits will manifest in other forms, as their karmic debtors. The next child that comes along is likely to be sickly or very hard to teach, draining the energy and resources of the parents. This is the law of karma!
The aborted children seek a sincere apology from their parents and a true cultivator with the ability to do deliverance pujas for them. It is only through sincere repentance that the enmity and grievances in the spirits of the aborted children can be resolved. Misfortune befalls those who chose otherwise. Many of my female clients with past abortions suffered from various ailments: strange body odor, hair loss, poor sleep, women health issues and even declining mental health. Even though the man might have initiated, the woman is ultimately the final decision maker when it comes to abortion and thus bears a larger responsibility.
Everyone yearns for an easy, carefree life, but why are we adding burdens to ourselves? Let's think harder about this for one wrong step may cause a lifelong of regret.
Photo credit: Google
ABORTION - THE SILENT SCREAM COMPLETE VERSION (with permission from APF). Republished with Permission from Roy Tidwell of American Portrait Films as long as the following credits are shown:
VHS/DVDs Available
American Portrait Films
Call 1-800-736-4567
The Silent Scream Complete Version - Abortion as Infanticide
Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart. A great tool to help people see why abortion is murder.
The unborn baby is a member of the human community. Please don't act recklessly. And no matter what you think, please know that having intercourse means that is always a chance of having a baby. Whether you are ready or not.
VHS/DVDs Available
American Portrait Films
Call 1-800-736-4567
The Silent Scream Complete Version - Abortion as Infanticide
Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart. A great tool to help people see why abortion is murder.
The unborn baby is a member of the human community. Please don't act recklessly. And no matter what you think, please know that having intercourse means that is always a chance of having a baby. Whether you are ready or not.
欣雨 Xinyu